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Ruud ‘The Bugman’ Kleinpaste #LifeInLockdown

The Bug Man

He’s a well known personality on our screens and on our airwaves, giving us an insight into the beauty and wonder of our natural world. 

Ruud Kleinpaste’s gregarious wit and charm is put to great use MC-ing Treemendous School Events where his table of critters and bugs surrounded by enthralled children, parents and teachers alike is a major drawcard.

I chat with Ruud about what he’s been up to in his bubble, Nature nerdiness and pick up lines.

Find out how your school could become a Treemendous School here and for more information about how The Mazda Foundation could help you or your community click here

Ruud Kleinpaste #LifeInLockdown Staylist

What songs do you have on high rotate in lockdown?

Sarah Bareilles ‘Yellow Brick Road (Live)’

Imogen Heap ‘Climb to Sakteng’

Lucius ‘Tempest’

Peter Gabriel ‘Here Comes the Flood’

If you could live in any decade when would it be, why and what are your top 5 songs from it?

1965 – 1975: 

Beatles ‘Till There Was You’ 
The Plainsman ‘Fairport Convention’
John Martyn ‘May You Never’
Genesis ‘Firth of Fifth’
Nick Drake ‘Cello Song’

What's your go to Karaoke song?

Beatles ‘And Your Bird Can’t Sing'

Favourite song of all time?

Anna Maria Jopek/Pat Metheney ‘Me Jedyna Niebo’

If you could sing like anyone, male, female, gender neutral - who would that be and what song would you sing?

The Mills Brothers‘Paper Doll’

Or… more importantly play piano like? 

Ben Sidran ‘Old Folks’

 *Song order selected by Boh. For maximum Staylist Playback pleasure please go into your Spotify Settings in your Home screen and go into Playback. Go to Crossfade and set to 12s. Also select Enable Audio Normalization. 
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