Take 5, Julia Deans
1. You’re the dulcet tones behind Fur Patrol’s ‘Lydia’ but also make regular appearances in stage productions and as a solo artist. How did you know you wanted to become a performer?
My mum likes to tell people about how she found me aged 3 standing on the overturned laundry basket, singing into the heater plug "microphone". I think that desire was there from the outset.
My "other" jobs have always been retail, hospo, or receptionist, which I've mostly enjoyed because I like people, and I like making them feel good about themselves, and I enjoy being part of a team. I worked for a short time at a central city pub in Melbourne that had a weird staff dynamic. I was really depressed at the time too, which only made things worse. I'd cry on my way there most shifts, but it was probably more about my own headspace than the job itself. Yay life experiences!
3. You have an appreciation for the insect world (your Instagram account has many pics of beautiful creatures) what is your favourite creepy crawly and why?
Insects are just so alien, and so unexpectedly beautiful when you can see them in detail (and yes, sometimes terrifying). I don't have a favourite, but I do take delight in the fluffiness of moths. I used to be terrified of them as a kid, big booffy things flying into my face when the lights went out (the joy of being moon-pale). I think my attitude towards them changed when I learned the French term for them, papillon de nuit – "butterfly of the night".
4. If you could have a jam with any musician (alive or otherwise) who would that be and what song would you play to break the ice?
Oh wow... David Bowie. And anything. I'd play whatever he wanted. Except that Four Non Blondes song. Actually, I'd even play that if he wanted to. But I might lose a little respect for him. Just the tiniest speck.
5. And finally, finish this sentence…“Hello, Ticketek? I’d like two tickets to…” Outer space? Are they doing space flights yet?
Find out more about the upcoming Fur Patrol tour here.
Instagram: @Julia_m_deans