Thanks for 15 Years
There are so very many people that I would love to thank for making the last 15 Years possible, and I am sure that I will miss some, and I apologise for that in advance. I will correct and add if/ when that happens.
These thank yous are specific to those who have been part of my jewellery journey so there are very many to name. Sort of in chronological order…
Sophia Runga, Joseph Te Okoro Runga, Pearl Runga, Bic Runga, my family who was so pleased for me when I started my designing foray and who have always been there.
Deborah Pead, who made the introductions that set the ball rolling and got the fledgling brand out in the public eye.
Gary McNabb, who took a punt on an unknown and let my ideas take lead.
Campbell Smith, skilled contract negotiator and supporter of my M.S.G (Martha Stewart Goals)
The incredible team back in the day at The New Zealand Mint; Sanya, Sheryl, Hayden, Martin, Tatiana, Kash, Loan, Carl, Colin and everyone who with their amazing patience and respective knowledge and skills, trouble shot and helped the designs come to fruition.
Graeme Shirley who helped bring the first collections to life.
Kathryn Wilson, friendship, business advice and championing
Murray Bevan, good advice and nous
Ashton Henty with humour and patience keeping the days when PayPal was the only way
Annika Bennett, managing with style and grace
Workshop and Red Currant (some of my first retailers on board), and all of the amazingly supportive retailers who have stocked and continue to stock Boh Runga Jewellery
Stacey Wah, then Edwards, now Thomas who walked around the first gift fair we attended striking up conversations with people and bringing them back to the stand for a chat and who can charm like no other
Angelique Fris-Taylor relentless championing and big hearted support
Lou “Pretty Fingers” Colenbrander, best hand model and wearer of rings in Aotearoa
Bill Taylor, support champion always ready to lend a hand
Tony Franklin, of the support champion variety and always ready to be there
Rachel Warren from The Mint Republic who took on the Boh Runga jewellery mantle and helped it grow
Gary Meaden and co for CAD work and trouble shooting
Shaun and Ange at Seventy Six Design for gracious help and supply of skills
Peter Huljich for business advice, unwavering support and never-ending kindness
The Blink boys Asher, Andrew, Tim, Dex, Brian and the rest of the friendly tattooed crew for amazing creativity in the face of tight deadlines with humour and results
Pocket Square, Powerhouse and Maia for your expertise
Mazda New Zealand, the pleasure of Mazda cars throughout Aotearoa
Laurence and Dave Koppenhagen. Dogged professionalism and deadlines met with the best accent ever
Mandy from Triple Seven, trouble shooting and CAD overseeing with the greatest of care
Betty and our manufacturing team for your beautiful craftsmanship
William for your guidance and knowledge that we are ever grateful for
Eric, best karaoke proponent, stylish translator and teller of stories in a speeding car
Our team, past and present:
Georgia, dedication and kindness with graciousness and humour
Katie, you came back and we are grateful for that
Troy McKubre, steadfast, honest and kind
And of course last but not least you, Thank You to you, the people who have found a massive connection with the jewellery and have worn, or gifted and shared these pieces over and over again. It means the world to me.