Take 5, Kerre Woodham
Welcome to Take 5 where I take 5 questions to some lovely people I know (and some I don’t) and they tell us a little about themselves.
You’re a well known familiar face and voice to us Kiwi folk… how did you know you wanted to do what you do so well?
I was a natural born show off and was forever putting on performances for my long suffering parents. I loved English too, and was in the debating team at high school. I went to journalism school over university, because it was one year versus three of study, and was then lucky enough to be offered a cadetship with the Broadcasting Corporation of New Zealand as it was known then. Two years on the radio as a reporter, then I was offered a job with TVNZ as a junior woodchuck reporter and then I was offered the presenter’s role on Fair Go at 22 – and then I was off and away. I loved the travel involved with the job and the unpredictable nature of it – no day was ever the same. And I loved the colleagues and the lifestyle – lunches back then could last for days! It’s a bit different now….
Everyone has to start somewhere… what was the worst job you ever had?
I was lucky in that I have always loved what I’ve done. Even when I took a break from broadcasting (or rather, broadcasting took a break from me … !) I became a maitre d at Wellington’s Café Paradiso and I freaking loved working in hospo so there haven’t really been any bad jobs.
You’re an adventurous spirit. When our borders finally open up and we can travel again where would you like to visit and why?
I will be heading to South America and I would love to explore more of Africa – Ethiopia and Rwanda are top of the list.
You’re a writer too… tell us about your latest book/ project…
I have a novel percolating away in the back of my mind … I don’t know if I can write fiction. My other books have been stream of conscious style narratives … as a journalist, you’re taught to write sparingly and a novelist has to embroider her stories. I missed the boat on Fifty Shades of Grey – about ten years ago, a friend and I were saying there was a market for women’s erotica but we spent too much time talking (and laughing) about it, and not enough time writing, and so Fifty Shades cornered the market.
And finally, finish this sentence… “If I had 5 mins alone with Donald Trump I would….?”
Grab him by the pussy and see how HE likes it!
Listen to Kerre on NewsTalk ZB here.
Instagram: @kerrewoodham