I have had a love of plants and in particular house plants since I was a girl. My pocket money went to good use buying baby plants in tiny pots from a lovely lady who lived in the neighbourhood. I would happily meander through her greenhouse admiring the exotic, beautiful things and I would spend an age carefully selecting something to take home. I would cherish my new spiky cacti or the coleus with the outrageous colour scheme and they would take pride of place in my little collection until I had enough money to go visit the magical greenhouse again.
My mum still has the monstera deliciosa I bought as a small two leaved thing when I was 12. Now a sprawling behemoth in her front yard, I have many cuttings from that mother plant happily attempting their own sprawl in my home.
I love greenery in a living space. My many plants give me a huge amount of joy.
Now, at the Ponsonby Bohtique, we have a selection of lovely houseplants that you can adopt and find a space for in your abode.
May they give you as much joy as mine give me.
xox b