bohboh baby
‘bao bao’ (宝 寶) means ‘precious’ or ‘treasure’ in Chinese.
When I was brand new, I didn’t have a name for the longest time.
My Malaysian Chinese mother would call me ‘bao bao’, a term of endearment many Chinese call their little ones. My Māori father liked the sound of it and decided that it was the perfect name for me. With a bit of creative spelling Bohboh became how I was known and later, Boh.
Just as my name was a gift from my parents, bohboh is for sentimental gifters and giftees with lovingly considered designs to make you both smile.
The first bohboh baby line features the popular Marigold motif from my jewellery ‘bohlaboration’ with New Zealand’s favourite mum, Anika Moa.